React Bootcamp

Port The Rest

This chapter will guide you towards porting the rest of the app to react-native. But the work will be mostly self taught.

Making the Article's link

React Native doesnt have a link component unfortunately, but we can use a 'pressable' component with the Linking utility.

Lets look at TouchOpacity. Docs here. The docs point out that the TouchableOpacity component can be used as a wrapper for making a view respond to touches. Lets use this to trigger our Articles link functionality. We should wrap our Articles root View component in a TouchableOpacity and assign a onPress handler to it. It can do nothing for now though.

Now lets look at Linking. Docs here. While our app is not a browser so it cannot just open links. using this library we can ask the OS if there is an app that can handle opening our link. To achieve this the functions of interest here are. Linking.canOpenURL() and Linking.openURL().

class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
  handleOnPress = () => {
    Linking.canOpenURL(this.props.url).then((can) => {
      if (!can) {


  // rest of component definition

The Container

This part should be pretty straight forward we can basically use exactly what we did in the plain react version. I would recommend using the App component as our container. I would recommend visiting chapter-five & chapter-six again for this.

The Filter

This will be a little more tricky. We can use the same pattern as we did in chapter-seven. However, we will need to use a different primitive component. I would recommend looking at TextInput. Make sure to study the documents carefully there are some subtle differences. Docs are here

The End

If you've made it this far, seriously, well done ✨✨✨. I hope you have had an awesome time working on the bootcamp content. Feel free to keep working on the app and make whatever changes you like. Also don't hesitate to bug any of us if you want ideas on what to build next, have questions about react or react native, or want to know more about Tanda. We are also happy for feedback on the content. Cheers 🤙.